Fulton County Schools Collection Metadata Dublin Core Title Fulton County Schools Subject Schools across Fulton County, 1871-present Description This collection contains materials, records, images and other emphemera related to schools of Fulton County. The materials are from current schools as well as those that have been closed or consolidated. Publisher Fulton County Schools Archives, Hapeville, Ga Sort by: Title Creator Date Added Program, "The Fulton County Schools Presents the Third Annual High School Marching Band Festival," 1976 Fulton County Schools, 1976 Program, "The Fulton County Schools Presents the Second High School Marching Band Festival," 1975 Fulton County Schools, 1975 Program, "The Fulton County Schools Presents a High School Marching Band Festival," 1974 Fulton County Schools, 1974 Program (football), "Hapeville vs. Forest Park, Sept. 28, 1956" Hapeville High School, 1956 Booklet, "College Park's Year-Round Learning Center in Georgia," 1992 New American Schools Development Corporation, 1992 College Park Elementary School Year-Round School Evaluation, 1992 Office of Planning, Research and Development, Fulton County Schools , 1992 Photograph, Fairburn High School, Class of 1965 Fairburn High School, 1965 School newspaper, "The Fairburn Star," 1970 May 27 Fairburn Star Staff: Melvin Astin, Arlene Williams, Trellis Wood, Steven Dukes, Bettye Lewis, Bessie Harrison, Gloria Reid, Donald Zachery, 1970 Photograph, Fairburn High School, Class of 1969 Fairburn High School, 1969 Photograph, Fairburn High School, Class of 1966 Fairburn High School, 1966 Football Program, Eva Thomas High School, 1968 Eva Thomas High School, 1968 East Point Elementary School "Black Bibliography," 1973 East Point Elementary School Seventh Grade Class of 1973, 1973 Ms. Marie Long's Class Record Book, 1936 Marie Long, 1936 View all 13 items Sort by: Title Creator Date Added Comments Your name Website Email (required) Comment Allowed tags: <p>, <a>, <em>, <strong>, <ul>, <ol>, <li> Please verify you're a human FacebookTwitterEmailCollection Tree Fulton County Schools