Fulton County Schools

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Fulton County Schools


Schools across Fulton County, 1871-present


This collection contains materials, records, images and other emphemera related to schools of Fulton County. The materials are from current schools as well as those that have been closed or consolidated. 


Fulton County Schools Archives, Hapeville, Ga
1992-fcpe-1-2.pdfBooklet, "College Park's Year-Round Learning Center in Georgia," 1992
New American Schools Development Corporation, 1992
1992-fcpe-1-1 1.jpgCollege Park Elementary School Year-Round School Evaluation, 1992
Office of Planning, Research and Development, Fulton County Schools , 1992
1970-ffbh-1-6 nwsppr 1.jpgSchool newspaper, "The Fairburn Star," 1970 May 27
Fairburn Star Staff: Melvin Astin, Arlene Williams, Trellis Wood, Steven Dukes, Bettye Lewis, Bessie Harrison, Gloria Reid, Donald Zachery, 1970
1968 ETHS football program 1.jpgFootball Program, Eva Thomas High School, 1968
Eva Thomas High School, 1968
e pt black bib 1.jpgEast Point Elementary School "Black Bibliography," 1973
East Point Elementary School Seventh Grade Class of 1973, 1973
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  • Fulton County Schools