Teachers, Employees and Board Members of the Fulton County School System
The Fulton County School System began with twenty-five employees in 1871; twelve board members and thirteen teachers. Since that time, the system has grown both geographically and in terms of the number it employs. Whereas its origins required only these two types of employees, presently there are dozens of departments that operate under school operations, transportation, facilities and maintenance functions. It is noted here that the majority of the records contained within this collection relate to the board of education and teachers in the Fulton County School System.
As county employees, records related to the personnel of the Fulton County School System are in part, guided by state and county legislation - in particular, legislation regarding pension and retirement pay that was adopted in 1945 and amended in the 1970s and 80s.
Fulton County Schools Archives
Fulton County Schools Archives, Hapeville, Ga
Open to research. Use and reproduction is pending review by Fulton County Schools Archives, unless specified as unrestricted at individual item level.